We help doctors achieve great RATE & RHYTHM on their social media presence

We create content in both English and Spanish so it fits the style of each platform. Our goal is to help you increase your office appointments and increase your mark through an effective use of social media. We listen to your needs and execute a strategy that will help maximize the potential of your office social media.

Did you know we have more than 10 years of combined-experience as Social Media Managers?

Do you want us as part of your team?

  • logo digital agency for medical marketing named lubbdupp social. managers: Dra. Evamariely Garcia and Perla de Jesus, social media manager

About us

An unconventional pair of friends that despite the age-gap found a mutual interest: Social Media!!! One has been a Medical Doctor for more than a decade; the other is a young-graduate Math teacher. Both are artists, designers, DYI-ers and SMM with a combined experience of +10 years.

Dra. García & Miss Perla

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Contact form

Contact Us

(787) 453-9134 / (787) 510-2211

Email: lubbduppsocial@gmail.com

or DM us through our social media platforms